John McWhorter

Linguist, professor, writer

Why you should listen

Columbia University professor and New York Times Opinion writer John McWhorter specializes in how language evolves. He teaches linguistics at Columbia (as well as Western Civilization and music history), and also writes about issues relating to race and cultural trends; his bestselling books include The Power of Babel, Nine Nasty Words and Woke Racism. He hosts the popular language podcast Lexicon Valley.

John McWhorter’s TED talks

More news and ideas from John McWhorter


Your weekend reading: The wrong kind of Caucasian, the graduate school question, and how the Internet ruined everything

April 26, 2013

A weekly round-up of interesting, weird and useful reads from around the interwebs. In “The wrong kind of Caucasian,” Sarah Kendzior critiques the media for its tendency to demonize an entire country based on the violent acts of a few individuals. [Al Jazeera] “The Internet: A Warning from History,” or how the Internet ruined everything. […]

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