Why you should listen

Adam Munder is a pioneering advocate for breaking down communication barriers between the Deaf and hearing worlds. Inspired by his own experience of navigating the hearing world with limited access to designated interpreters, he cofounded OmniBridge, an Intel-backed venture that seeks to create a more inclusive world by leveraging AI to enable communication between spoken and signed languages. The goal: to ensure that every conversation can be fully understood, regardless of the participants' hearing abilities.

Adam Munder’s TED talk

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Live from TEDNext

Wonder: Notes from Session 1 of TEDNext 2024

October 22, 2024

For the inaugural session of the very first TEDNext conference, a poet, a comic, an astrophysicist, one of the world’s most popular authors and other trailblazing speakers explored a theme that keeps the world spinning: wonder, and how it can transform our thinking. What exactly is TEDNext? A vibrant, three-day exploration of what’s next, propelling […]

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