Stay tuned for our attendees registration, opening soon!
Muse /mjuːz/
1: A source of inspiration
2: An instance or period of reflection
TEDxBencoolen St Youth is a fully youth-run initiative which aims to provide Singaporean youths with a platform to discuss ideas they believe to be worth sharing.
With the theme Muse: A Period of Reflection/A Source of Inspiration, we aim to explore how quiet introspection and moments of inspiration shape our actions and perspectives. It’s about discovering how silent reflection in our daily lives can move us to action, and using that understanding to foster growth and connection. This is an invitation to pause, think, and find meaning in some solitude — not just for yourself but for the world around you.
25 Bencoolen St
Singapore, Central Singapore, 189619
25 Bencoolen St
Singapore, Central Singapore, 189619
- Event type:
- Youth (What is this?)