x = independently organized TED event

Theme: Secret Lives

This event occurred on
September 21, 2012
9:30am - 6:00pm CEST
(UTC +2hrs)
Kraków, Małopolskie

There’s always more to things than meets the eye, but we so rarely take the time to look at what’s really going on or what it takes to make life work. At TEDxKrakow 2012 we’ll look behind the curtain of the apparently mundane and everyday to get a glimpse of some of the unexpected, fascinating, worrying, intricate and maybe even repulsive, aspects of life that are usually invisible to us.

Manggha Centre of Japanese Art & Technology
ul. M. Konopnickiej 26
Kraków, Małopolskie, 30-302
See more ­T­E­Dx­Kraków events

Organizing team


Krakow, Poland
  • Kasia Triantafelo
    Marketing, promotions, speaker care and super efficient catcher of every detail that gets overlooked
  • Agata Mazur
    skiing geek - looks after the website, registration and almost everything else
  • Anna Spysz
    she writes things for us and sorts out the music part of the programme
  • Basia Madej
    ruby on rails expert responsible for updating, maintaining and generally keeping our website going
  • Jarek Iwaniec
    in charge of the musical part of the programme. He also loves statistics, so we regularly feed him data.
  • Kamil Zalewski
    is a Swiss Army Knife of a team member (he can do anything).
  • Krystian Aparta
    TED Translator and looks after the programme
  • Lech Madej
    makes things happen - usually related to food
  • Maciek Szafraniec
    our web designer and someone who generally keeping things real
  • Magda Goszczyńska
    film maker who seems to know everyone in town and beyond
  • Marek Wierzbicki
    Social media ninja and projections master
  • Dominik Fijaś
    Web developer who turns our ideas into reality. Really quickly.
  • Karolina Perrin
    experience designer
  • Marcin Gębik
    looks after our digital content
  • Grzegorz Bińczycki
    marketing, promotion and TEDxKrakówCinema. All at the same time.
  • Joanna Lasocha
    Keeping us in the news.
  • Ula Olejniczak
    Managing all our translations.
  • Justyna Krzywicka
    Writing, writing and more writing.
  • Karolina Wolińska
    Manages our army of volunteers on the day.
  • Miranda Jędrzejowska
    Design and more design.
  • Magda Kania
    Typography freak and cool gadget designer.
  • Wioletta Dec
    Helping us choose, brief and prepare our speakers.
  • Monika Skucha
    Our youthful TEDxKrakowYouth ambassador. Always smiling.
  • Klaudia Zajdel
    Our youthful TEDxKrakowYouth ambassador. Always smiling.